Baby Tina's Tales: Myths about Slavic Goddesses Martina Mandera - Rzepczyńska
The second part of "Baba Tina's Tales" is another dose of Slavic myths for children. In the second volume, the narrator - wise Baba Tina focuses primarily on female characters - Mokosha and other goddesses. Similarly to the first part, in the second we will also find easy answers to difficult questions from children. Baba Tina, without losing her fairy-tale character, boldly talks about topics that are usually taboo: pregnancy and birth, single parenthood, tolerance and war. In this part, you will also learn why bears fall asleep in the winter, what snow and morning dew are, where butterflies and children come from. Everything according to the mythology of our Slavic ancestors.
Martina Mandera-Rzepczyńska - a historian by profession, a teacher by passion. A witch who loves brewing potions, reading the future from cards and exploring the world (not only on a broomstick). In turn, at the pool she turns into a mermaid. A crazy mother of an even crazier three-year-old. To sum up: chaos on legs and a one-man band.
Item description:
Language: polish
hardcover, printed
format: 170x235 mm
number of pages: 88
ISBN: 978-83-8244-089-8
Slavic myths for children.
A primer for the youngest with beautiful illustrations.
Album powstał w oparciu o wspomnienia Glogera z wycieczki w 1882 r. z Jeżewa do Białowieży, którą odbył w towarzystwie Henryka Sienkiewicza.
Podręcznik do współczesnej antropologii.