Magical Plants - Paul Sédir
Translation - Jakub Zielonka
The book was originally published in French in Paris in 1902, first translated into Polish by Jakub Zielonka, who not only translated it, but also provided the correct nomenclature of plants and comments in numerous footnotes.
Paul Sédir, or rather Yvon Le Loup, is a character that is both interesting and mysterious. A brief review of the works of this French esotericist and mystic, who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, gives us some idea of his interests. Here we have items about the Rosicrucians, the basics of Hebrew, fakirs, Kabbalah, World War I from a mystical perspective, dream interpretation, secret medicine, astral light and incantations.
Knowing not only what time of year to collect herbs, but above all, the effects of herbs depends on what zodiac sign or under what planet they were collected. And in what form it should be administered.
The book is divided into 3 parts: the first part is about the Plant Kingdom, divided into paragraphs about Botanogeny, Plant Physiology and their Signatures; the second part Man and Plant with paragraphs on Nutrition, Therapeutics, Magic, Agronomy, Magical Plant Growth, Palingenesis and Historical and Practical Palingenesis and finally the third most practical part, the Botanical Glossary.
Sédir undoubtedly wrote this work with the intention of reaching a wider audience. The language is relatively simple, complex alchemical and esoteric terms are explained in an accessible way. The botanical dictionary itself was certainly a big challenge, especially the attempt to translate the richly quoted common names of various plants, but the Latin names usually included made it possible to identify the lion's share of species.
The illustrations come from the "Plant Identification Guide". Rostafiński from 1906
Item Description:
Book: Grafika Publishing House sp. z o. o.
Language: POLISH
Size: 165x240 mm
Number of pages: 252
ISBN: 978-83-68063-06-6
A New Herball – Wiliam Turner & Magia Ziemi
Medical work, reprint, translation from 1889 by the Roman scholar Celsca into Polish.
that is: a short collection and description of diseases, their various causes, signs, methods of treatment, as well as various methods of making Vodkas, Oils, Juleps, Syrups, Jams, Ointments, Plasters, and various peculiar things, divided into seven treatises.
Herbarz to jest ziół tutecznych, postronnych i zamorskich opisanie… Teraz nowo wedle herbarzów dzisiejszego wieku i innych zacnych medyków poprawiony.