Medicinal herbs. Occult botany, herbal astrology, hermetic medicine - J.H Głóg
3 volumes in 1 volume
J.H. Głog, who has been dealing with hermetic medicine for many years, has developed this manual to satisfy the wishes of many who are looking for help among our most faithful friends, which are and will remain medicinal herbs. So let this Herbarium go out into the world to the increasingly numerous ranks of those who understand nature today and let it fulfill its honorable task. For seasoned herbalists familiar with occult botany, only herbs harvested according to the indications of herbal astrology are of fundamental value. In order to give amateurs also the opportunity to make experiments in this field within certain limits, the author - apart from discussing the most elementary rules that always apply when collecting, preserving and growing herbs - went on to discuss the general principles of herbal astrology.
For methodological reasons, in the first part of the herbarium, he limited himself only to explanations regarding the observance of the influence of the Moon when growing and collecting herbs as being of the most important importance; and further chapters about the allocation of herbs to certain planets, and about collecting them according to the so-called "planetary hours", about herbal treatments in accordance with astrological principles, he postponed to part III, after first introducing the reader to the medicinal properties of our most important herbs. Further chapters about the allocation of herbs to certain planets, about collecting them according to the so-called "planetary hours", about treatments herbal remedies according to astrological principles are included in part III.
Item Description:
Book of Grafika Publishing House sp. z o. o.
Language: polish
Binding: hardcover
number of pages: 284
Format: 165 x 240
ISBN: 978-83-68063-11-0
A New Herball – Wiliam Turner & Magia Ziemi
Medical work, reprint, translation from 1889 by the Roman scholar Celsca into Polish.
that is: a short collection and description of diseases, their various causes, signs, methods of treatment, as well as various methods of making Vodkas, Oils, Juleps, Syrups, Jams, Ointments, Plasters, and various peculiar things, divided into seven treatises.
Herbarz to jest ziół tutecznych, postronnych i zamorskich opisanie… Teraz nowo wedle herbarzów dzisiejszego wieku i innych zacnych medyków poprawiony.